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Posted by on Jul 17, 2021 in trvlvip Advice

TSA PreCheck/Global Entry – The Best $17 to $20 You’ll Spend This Year!

TSA PreCheck/Global Entry – The Best $17 to $20 You’ll Spend This Year!

Stay in the fast lane for $17 to $20 per year!

Tired of waiting in the airport security checkpoint or Customs and Border Control lines?

How many of you would pay someone to skip to the head of a very long line at the airport? Would you pay $10? How about $20 to skip to the front of the line versus standing in line for an hour?

What if you could pay $17 (TSA PreCheck) for the whole year and avoid the TSA lines at airports and breeze through security every time or $20 (Global Entry) for the whole year to skip to the front of those same TSA lines AND the Customs and Border Control lines at airports and land borders upon arrival into the United States from an international location? Seems a no brainer!

The TSA overestimated the number for travelers who would sign up for TSA PreCheck in 2016 and as a result, scaled back their workforce at the security checkpoint lines. And in 2017, lines still seem too long at many airports. Seems the perfect time to sign up for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry in order to skip the lines, reduce the stress and breeze through security!

Once you’ve experienced the comfort and speed of TSA PreCheck or Global Entry you won’t remember how you ever traveled without it! Avoid the hassle of removing your laptop, liquids, shoes, belts and light jackets and breeze through security!

In 2011, when TSA PreCheck was first introduced, the major airlines provided Elite frequent flyers with complimentary access. Many were very sad to see their free access eliminated in 2015.

And while some non TSA PreCheck members still enjoy occasional access to the PreCheck line, the TSA recently eliminated parts of their Managed Inclusion program, which used to funnel a lot more “low risk” passengers who were not part of a paid trusted traveler program through PreCheck lines to cut traffic in the standard security lines by balancing the load across checkpoints

So, if you want to be assured of access to the TSA PreCheck lane, you must now enroll and pay for one of the trusted traveler programs offered by the US Department of Homeland Security ASAP. See a comparison chart of the available programs.

Here is a summary of the two most popular programs:

TSA PreCheck

TSA PreCheck expedites your screening at most US airports – and who doesn’t prefer to be in the fast lane and through security in a few minutes? To participate, the traveler:

  • Must be a US citizen or US lawful permanent resident
  • Must pay a fee of $85 for 5 years in the program
  • Does not need a passport
  • Can pre-enroll online, but then must visit an enrollment center, provide fingerprints and show ID for verification

Click here to apply for TSA PreCheck.

And for added convenience the TSA has opened non-airport enrollment centers. Click here to see if one is open near you!

Global Entry

Global Entry provides all of the benefits of TSA PreCheck and also includes expedited processing through Customs and Border Control at airports and land borders upon arrival into the United States. For just $15 more than TSA PreCheck it’s an excellent option for those who plan to travel outside the US anytime in the next five years. To participate, the traveler:

  • Must be a US citizen, US lawful permanent resident or citizens of certain other countries
  • Must pay a fee of $100 for 5 years in the program
  • Must have a passport or lawful permanent resident card
  • Can pre-enroll online, but must then visit an enrollment center for an interview, provide fingerprints and show ID for verification

Click here to apply for Global Entry.

Passport Stamps

She Travels Free Tip: If the wait to schedule a TSA PreCheck or Global Entry appointment is long at your home airport, consider another airport. If you have travel plans that will take you to other airports, try scheduling your appointment at one of those airports. The wait time at some of the smaller airports is very short. Or even better, check to see if a non-airport YSA PreCheck enrollment center is close to home.

The Wrap-Up:

Whether you choose TSA PreCheck or Global Entry, both are completely worth the enrollment effort and might be the best $17 or $20 travel deal you’ll find all year! And check your travel reward credit card, a few will reimburse you for the fee including the Ritz-Carlton Rewards, The Chase Sapphire Reserve, and the American Express Platinum credit cards.

And go ahead and sign up for FREE travel updates so you never again miss an important trvlvip PerkTip and Blog post!

Happy Loyalty, Happy Travels!

merriah sig 3

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  1. I had heard about this program before but I thought that it was difficult to get in to. I am glad to hear about it from someone with firsthand experience. You have inspired me to give it another look – and once I am enrolled I will think it was crazy that I didn’t do it before! Thank you!

    • It is seriously one of the best things we’ve done. We breeze through security in 5 minutes. Also, if you travel internationally opt for Global Entry instead so you enjoy Precheck domestically and really fast customs when coming back into the US.

  2. We signed up for TSA since we are a military family and am so happy we did. Being handicapped I can breeze through checkin and get on the plane with no delay.


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